I'm using a Fisher exact test to understand whether a Webpage-A is more likely to induce conversion compared to another Webpage-B.
Webpage-A Webpage-B
no-conversion 252 243
conversion 1557 1253
However, I know that the users are in different age ranges:
Young Webpage-A = 1668
Adults Webpage-A = 112
Elderly Webpage-A = 29
Young Webpage-B = 1355
Adults Webpage-B = 121
Elderly Webpage-B = 20
therefore, I under-sample my data-set, randomly selecting only:
1355 Young Webpage-A users
112 Adults Webpage-B users
20 Elderly Webpage-A users
in order to have a matching in terms of age ranges.
This changes the values of my matrix and the Fisher exact test gives a different p-value depending on the random seed I use to under-sample my data-set.
Is there a way to understand whether the age range is a confounding variable to be taken into account? If so, is the approach of under-sampling by age range correct? If so, how can interpret the different p-values I get depending from the random seed? Please, notice that the p-values go from less than 1% to up to 40% at least.