I have a ranking of books that is based on number of sales and I want to improve it to include how many countries the book was sold in and number of libraries that carries it
Book rating 1 = # sales
Book rating 2 = # sales + # countries + # libraries
Can I say that Book rating 2 is "better" than book rating 1 ? What do "better" mean here? more comprehensive and more than one dimension?
If I have a list of books that were ranked using these 2 equations , can I compare the 2 ratings to see if there a difference between them using t-test for example? or there is different test to use ?
Example - equation1 - equation2
Book 1 - 5000 - 5050
Book 2 - 300 - 320
Book 3 - 90 - 99
Finally, forming a new equation and comparing it to existing ones is called modeling ?
Many thanks