For my thesis, I had to evaluate the usability of two desktop applications - A and B. 5 participants were asked to rate how much they agreed to a set of statements. A 5 point Likert scale was provided (Strongly disagree=1; Disagree=2; Neither agree nor disagree=3; Agree=4; Strongly Agree=5 ) to judge how much they agreed with each statement.
This questionnaire was first filled for application A and then for application B. Now, I have to analyse the Likert scale data of both the samples using some sort of parametric or non-parametric test. But I am a bit confused on how I should proceed and everything I have read online has not been of much help.
I understant I can conduct a t-test but I do not know how my data should look like? Do I have to feed in the data based on the mean results of each statement for each of the applications?
I just want to compare the results and show that 'X' application is ranked to be much more useable.