Is it possible to tell if the parameters can be uniquely estimated in a Bayesian state-space models from the system equations (beyond redundant parameterisations). If so, how?
For example, should it be possible to estimate the parameters in the following model?
\begin{align} x_t &= N(r\times x_{t-1}, \sigma _x)\\ y_t &= Po(\exp(\mu + p\times x_t)) \end{align}
where $x$ is the state variable and $y$ the observations.
This parameterisation is taken from this paper -- and my previous question.
If interested, I am motivated by trying to fit the univariate state-space model with a Gaussian state and Poisson distributed observations below but different chains converge to different values which I think indicates an issue with the parameterisation. Issues remain if I restrict the parameters $p$ and $\mu$ to be positive.
mod <-
for (i in 2:N){
x[i] ~ dnorm(r* x[i-1], tau)
log(my[i]) <- mu + p*x[i]
y[i] ~ dpois(my[i])
x[1] <- (log(y[1]) - mu)
r ~ dunif(-1, 1)
p ~ dunif(-1, 1)
mu ~ dnorm(0, 0.1)
sig ~ dunif(0, 10)
tau <- 1/(sig*sig)
m <- jags.model(textConnection(mod), data=list(y=y, N=NROW(y)), n.chains=2)
update(m, 5000)
s <- coda.samples(m, variable.names=c("r", "p", "mu", "sig"), 1e4)
The data
r = 0.8; sx = 2
mu = 5; p = 0.5;
tm = 20
x = y = rep(0,tm); x[1] = rnorm(1, 0, sx) ; y[1] = rpois(1, exp(mu + p*x[1]))
for(i in 2:tm){
x[i] = rnorm(1, r*x[i-1], sx)
y[i] = rpois(1, exp(mu + p*x[i]))