To study the diving behaviour of whales, I have a dataframe where each row corresponds to a dive (id) carried out by a tagged individual (whale). For each dive I calculate a series of parameters (maximum depth, duration, etc.).
# Example dataframe
id whale max_depths duration pd_times d_rate a_rate bottom_dur bottom_prop dive_type diel
1 1 57 166 41 0.5288462 0.9152542 2 1.2048193 F Day
2 1 26 165 43 0.2688172 0.3333333 2 1.2121212 NF Day
3 1 18 140 90 0.1911765 0.3500000 31 22.1428571 NF Day
There are two type of dives ( F in which the whale feeds and NF where there is no feeding activity)
I want to compare all parameters between F and NF dives.
For that, I started by trying to apply a linear mixed model for each parameter with whale number as random effect and diel (since their behaviour may change according to time of day) as fixed effect (code below):
Diel -> in this column it is specified at what time of day the dive was carried out (for example, in one day if the sunrise is at 6:00h and sunset at 20:00h:
- from 6:00 - 19:00h = "Day"
- from 19:00 - 20:00h = "Twilight" (in this case "Dusk")
- from 20:00h till the begin of "Dawn" of the next day is "Night" and this continues based on local sunrise/sunset values
So if a dive was carried out at 18:00h of that day, in diel it would be "Day" and if the next dive was carried out at 19:15h it would be in the "Night" category.
model_3 <- lme(duration ~ dive_type + diel_1, random=~1 | whale,method = "REML",
data = data,na.action=na.exclude)
> summary(model_1)
Linear mixed-effects model fit by REML
Data: data
AIC BIC logLik
33143.93 33167.49 -16567.96
Random effects:
Formula: ~1 | whale
(Intercept) Residual
StdDev: 92.03755 116.9184
Fixed effects: duration ~ dive_type
Value Std.Error DF t-value p-value
(Intercept) 291.57762 20.491341 2653 14.22931 0
dive_typeNF -61.55134 4.656191 2653 -13.21925 0
dive_typeNF -0.123
Standardized Within-Group Residuals:
Min Q1 Med Q3 Max
-3.2584814 -0.7034402 -0.1069537 0.5686564 5.4987687
Number of Observations: 2675
Number of Groups: 21
When I plotted the residuals I found they were not normal and there was a high level of autocorrelation (graph below)
After tranforming the data (log) the distribution seems closer to normal but there is still a high autocorrelation.
To try to fix these issue I included the corAR1 function as follow:
model_6_cor_2 <- lme(duration ~ dive_type + diel_1, random=~1 | whale,method = "REML",
data = data,
correlation = corAR1(form = ~ 1 | whale),
But the autocorrelation plot remains basically the same.
I tried a GLM with Poisson and negative binomial distribution and the problem remains.
What can I do to solve this issue?
Thank you in advance.
corAR1(form = ~ diel | whale)
? That definitely won't work. Instead you need something likecorAR1(form = ~ diel:day | whale)
$\endgroup$resid(model, type = "normalized")
to access the required residuals $\endgroup$