I have sequences of real-valued random variables $\{X_T\}, \{Y_T\}$ and a sequence of real numbers $\{a_T\}$. As $T\rightarrow\infty$, I know that $$ a_T \rightarrow \infty $$ and $$ X_T \overset{d}{\rightarrow} X $$ where $X$ is a real-valued random variable.
Furthermore, I have an inequality $$ X_T + Y_T \geq a_T $$ which holds for all $T$.
- How can I show that $Y_T \rightarrow \infty$ in probability?
- Does $Y_T\rightarrow\infty$ hold for other types of stochastic convergence?
(It all seems very obvious but I am struggling to come up with a formal argument)