I have count data of litter found across a beach. In one column there is the litter type (plastic bottles, glass bottles etc.) and in the other the quantities found, such as below:
You can see that sometimes the same litter type comes back several times (bottles - I can sum the quantities of bottles and make it one data entry if required). In some cases I have extreme counts reported (e.g. 50 towels). Usually, the quantities range from 3 to 10. The aim here is to observe any significant difference between groups. Not knowing if I should go for a Poisson or negative binomial, I was looking to see if the mean of my data was equal to the variance:
Seeing they are not equal, and that sometime I have extreme counts, should I go for a negative binomial regression? In addition, I've run a Poisson regression on the data, and the omnibus test resulted in a p-value <0,05. Is that wrong in the case of a negative binomial regression needed? Many thanks