I recently asked the following over at the Chemistry StackExchange (https://chemistry.stackexchange.com/q/140291/37658) and folks there suggested it might be better asked here. So, here goes:
I have a data set comprising the peak areas of an analyte (response variable) measured in spiked calibration samples at 'known' and different concentrations levels (predictor variable). For each concentration level I have 5 replicates. My goal is to generate a calibration curve (via regression) from this data and then, for each concentration level, determine the precision of the 'estimated concentration' expressed as percent coefficient of variation (%CV).
If a linear relationship existed between the measured peak areas and 'known' concentrations, then for each concentration level I would simply calculate %CV as the standard deviation of the estimated concentration at a given 'known' concentration level and divide by the mean of the same estimated concentrations, before multiplying by 100. For my data set, however, I observe an inadequate linear (i.e. straight line) fit between measured peak areas and 'known' concentrations. Furthermore, there is heteroscedacity of the residuals when fitting a linear model.
To address the above, I've performed a log10 transformation of BOTH peak area and 'known' concentration. An adequate linear fit is observed. I would now like to calculate the precision (coefficient of variation, %CV) of the estimated peak area based on this model.
According to the article cited below, the %CV for log-transformed data would be calculated as:
$$ \%CV(\text{estimated concentration}) = 100\% * \sqrt{10^{ln(10){\theta}^2_{\text{log}} −1}} $$
Where (if I understood correctly): ${\theta}^2_{\text{log}}$ is the variance of the log-transformed data.
So, I would specifically like to know (or to receive help understanding): is the formula proposed by Canchola, et al. appropriate in the case where BOTH the response (i.e. peak area) and predictor (i.e. 'known' concentration) variables have been transformed?
In my mind, seeing as I would consider the variable of the estimated concentration on the log10-transformed scale, the formula outlined by Canchola, et al. should be fine.
Finally: if I had only log10-transformed the peak areas and then estimated the concentration (i.e. log-linear relationship), would I need to use the Canchola, et al. equation?
Referenced article: Jesse A. Canchola, Shaowu Tang, Pari Hemyari, Ellen Paxinos, Ed Marins, "Correct use of percent coefficient of variation (%CV ) formula for log-transformed data," MOJ Proteomics & Bioinformatics 2017, 6(4), 316-317 (DOI: 10.15406/mojpb.2017.06.00200).
I thought a minimum working example would be useful to confirm my understanding. Prepared in R. Do CV_X and CV_Y represent what I describe and are they correctly calculated?
#sample 1000 random values from log-normal distribution
X = rlnorm(1000, meanlog = 3, sdlog = 0.8)
# ln-transform X
ln_X = log(X, base = exp(1))
#plot raw and ln-transformed data
hist(X, breaks = 20)
hist(ln_X, breaks = 20)
#calculate variance of ln-transformed values
lambda = var(ln_X)
lambda_squared = lambda^2
#calculate %CV for ln-transformed data (i.e. Y)
sigma_squared = var(ln_X)
ln10 = log(10, base = exp(1)) # ln(10)
CV_Y = sqrt( (10^(ln10 * sigma_squared)) - 1) * 100
#CV_Y (i.e. %CV of ln-transformed data) = 607.25%
#calculate %CV on original X scale
CV_X = sqrt( (exp(1)^lambda_squared) - 1) * 100
#CV_X (i.e. %CV of original data) = 77.44%