I have foot traffic data for how many people entered a building for every hour, for several days. This SOUNDS like it should follow a poisson process.
I need to statistically confirm that my process is poisson, so that I can estimate utilization by looking at lambda (average arrival rate in time t) divided by service rate, mu.
Data Issue/Nuance:
The data is fairly sparse so there are a lot of zeros.
What I have:
I have the average number of arrivals per hour, i.e. lambda
I also have the inter-arrival time, and average inter-arrival time.
Where I'm stuck:
I'm not sure how to go from what I have now, to confirm this process is poisson.
I read in one article to do a chi-square, goodness of fit test of my inter-arrival times, and compare that with sampling from an exponential distribution with my lambda as the parameter. Especially given that my data has a lot of zeros I'm not really sure how to adapt.
Trying to do this in either Python or R
Any help is appreciated