I happen to work with a breast cancer database which is not available online. I want to follow these steps and report the results:
- Remove data of people who are young( less than 18 yo) and who are old(more than 65 yo)
- Replacing illegible data with NULL values
- Imputing those NULL values with MICE
- Feature selection using Rapid-Miner
- Predicting death caused by breast cancer with SVM and Kaplan-Meier
Most of the features are categorical but some of them are numerical, I have solved some of the numerical ones except the dates which could help in the prediction.
For example: Surgery : Yes or No and if Yes when "Date is here"
I want all my features to be categorical because I think this way I would have better results. If you think otherwise please tell me and If you have any suggestions explain it to me, and also if you think i can skip all the dates and just continue without it let me know
I would be appreciated by any suggestion for all of those steps and if you have any method that I can be used for categorizing dates please HELP me out Thank you all