The log likelihood of your data is the sum of the log likelihood of each individual data point, all of which will be $\lt 0$. This means that unless your model is a very bad fit to the data, an extremely low log likelihood reflects the fact that you have an enormous number of data points.
Now, AIC is supposed to approximate out of sample predictive accuracy: a model with lower AIC should make better predictions based on new data than a model with higher AIC, given particular assumptions. It does this by finding a balance between overfitting (just picking the model that best fits the training data - that has the lowest log likelihood) and underfitting (picking the model with fewer parameters).
$$\text{AIC} = 2 k - 2 \text{ln}(\hat L)$$
Fortunately, the more data you have, the less you need to worry about overfitting. A model with lots of parameters will overfit on a small training dataset, but work fine on a larger dataset. This is why as the size of the dataset grows, and the magnitude of the log likelihood term increases, AIC depends more on how well the model fits the training data (log likelihood), and less on the number of parameters.
On the other hand, there's the BIC, which is supposed to approximate the Bayes Factor.
$$\text{BIC} = \text{ln}(n) k - 2 \text{ln}(\hat L)$$
BIC is supposed to find which model is actually true,
not which model makes the most accurate predictions.
To avoid just being driven by the log likelihood in cases where there is a huge amount of data, the penalty applied on the number of parameters, $k$,
increases as a function of the log of the number of data points, $n$.