Since simulations were requested as a followup to Ben's excellent answer, here's a simple example.
Consider a polynomial regression model of the form:
$$y_i = \beta_0 + \sum_{d=1}^D \beta_d x_i^d + \epsilon_i \quad \quad
\epsilon_i \underset{\text{i.i.d.}}{\sim} \mathcal{N}(0, \sigma^2)$$
The intercept $\beta_0$, coefficients $\beta_1, \dots, \beta_D$, and noise variance $\sigma^2$ will be fit by maximum likelihood for each choice of degree $D$. The degree will be chosen to minimize the AIC.
Hypothesis testing
Suppose we want to test the null hypothesis that all coefficients are zero (except the intercept). Ordinarily, we could use an F test. But, as Ben described, the resulting p values will be biased here because the test doesn't account for the model selection step. We can confirm this by examining the distribution of p values in an example where the null hypothesis is known to be true.
Repeat $10^4$ times:
Generate a dataset containing $n=20$ points, where explanatory variables $x_i$ and responses $y_i$ are sampled independently from the standard normal distribution. Since they're independent, the null hypothesis is true.
Fit polynomial regression models with degree $D$ ranging from 1 to $D_{max}=10$, using maximum likelihood.
Select the model with minimum AIC.
Run an F test for the selected model, as above. Record the resulting p value.
The parameters here are unrealistic (e.g. nobody would fit a 10th degree polynomial to 20 data points). But, a proper hypothesis test should be able to handle it. I've set things up this way to make the failure/bias more obvious.
Biased p values
Under the null hypothesis, proper p values should be uniformly distributed between 0 and 1. We can check whether this is true, since p values from the simulations are samples from the distribution under the null hypothesis. The histogram below shows that the distribution is decidedly non-uniform, with low p values much more probable than they should be.
This indicates that the p values are optimistically biased, and we'd run into trouble using them for hypothesis testing. A test is deemed significant if the p value falls below a threshold $\alpha$, which specifies the maximum acceptable type I error rate---the probability of wrongly obtaining a significant result, assuming the null hypothesis is true. Since the null hypothesis is true in the simulations, all significant results are type I errors. So, for any nominal type I error rate $\alpha$, we can estimate the actual type I error rate as the fraction of p values that fall below $\alpha$. Given proper p values, the nominal and actual rates should be equal. However, as shown in the plot above, the actual type I error rate exceeds nominal rate for all choices of $\alpha$.
Dependence on model size
As Ben also mentioned, comparing a greater number of models during the model selection step will increase the amount of bias. To show this effect, I repeated the simulation above for different model sizes. In particular, I varied the maximum permitted degree $D_{max}$ of the polynomial regression model. The plot below shows the actual vs. nominal type I error rates for each choice of $D_{max}$.
Notice that the curve is the identity line for $D_{max}=1$, indicating that p values behave as theyy should. This is because no model selection happens in this case--a degree 1 polynomial is the only choice. However, p values are increasingly biased for greater choices of $D_{max}$ because an increasing number of models are compared in each case.
Matlab code implementing the simulations described above:
% parameters
n = 20; % how many data points
Dmax = 10; % maxmimum polynomial degree
nreps = 1e4; % how many simulations
% compute p value for each simulation
p = zeros(1, nreps);
for rep = 1 : nreps
fprintf('%d/%d\n', rep, nreps);
% generate data
x = randn(n, 1);
y = randn(n, 1);
% design matrix for all polynomial degrees
A = x .^ (1 : Dmax);
% fit polynomial regression models
% choose degree that minimizes aic
best_mdl = [];
best_aic = inf;
for D = 1 : Dmax
mdl = fitlm(A(:, 1:D), y);
aic = mdl.ModelCriterion.AIC;
if aic < best_aic
best_mdl = mdl;
best_aic = aic;
% run F test on model with best aic
p(rep) = best_mdl.coefTest();
% nominal type I error rates
alpha = linspace(0, 1, 100);
% actual type I error rate for each alpha level
fpr = sum(p < alpha(:), 2) / nreps;