I have been using linear shrinkage to better estimate the covariance matrix when I do not have enough data. Let $\bf X$ be a $T\times n$ matrix representing the data (previously centered) and $${\bf S}={1\over{T}}{\bf X'X} $$ be the sample covariance of the data.
Now, let $\bf \hat\Sigma$ be the covariance estimated by linear shrinkage (proposed by Ledoit-Wolf). My question : is there a way to "retrieve" the implied data $\bf Y$ ( $T\times n$ ) such that its sample covariance will be equal to $\bf \hat\Sigma$, .i.e. such that $$ {\bf \hat\Sigma} ={1\over{T}}{\bf Y'Y} $$ Is there a guarantee that there exists such data matrix $\bf Y$ ? If so, how do we find the data that is the closest to $\bf X$ using some distance function ? Can somebody direct me to some papers addressing this question ? I asked specifically about the linear shrinkage estimator, but the question could be asked for any estimator of the covariance matrix. Thanks