I am getting confused on how to approach structural equation modeling. I have read some articles and textbooks about SEM using the lavaan and semPlot package though I'm getting mixed up with interpretation.
By looking at my lavaan output, it seems that my variables are significant predictors.
Estimate Std.Err z-value P(>|z|) Std.lv
RBR_Index_Rep_used ~
DEV_c_tld_nw_1 -0.346 0.021 -16.161 0.000 -0.346
DEV_ci_Uniq_1 0.289 0.037 7.781 0.000 0.289
DEV_c_Wll_t__1 0.375 0.046 8.211 0.000 0.375
PPS_Index_Rep_used_unique ~
DEV_c_tld_nw_1 0.770 0.043 18.083 0.000 0.770
DEV_ci_Uniq_1 -0.224 0.074 -3.034 0.002 -0.224
DEV_c_Wll_t__1 1.465 0.091 16.125 0.000 1.465
CEI_pps_Rep_used_unique ~
DEV_c_tld_nw_1 0.309 0.048 6.435 0.000 0.309
DEV_ci_Uniq_1 0.073 0.083 0.873 0.383 0.073
DEV_c_Wll_t__1 1.823 0.102 17.794 0.000 1.823
I created a semPlot to better visualize the SEM. However, I am confused at this point.
#Plot SEM diagram
semPaths(fit,'std', style="lisrel",layout="tree2", edge.label.cex = 1,
label.prop=0.9, rotation = 4, nCharNodes=0,
equalizeManifests = FALSE, optimizeLatRes = TRUE, node.width = 4,
edge.width = 0.6, shapeMan = "rectangle", shapeLat = "ellipse",
shapeInt = "triangle", sizeMan = 5, sizeInt = 2, sizeLat = 4,
curve=2, unCol = "#070b8c")
Does the negative (red) path coefficients mean that there is a bad relationship/prediction between the variables, contridicting the lavaan output? Where in my lavaan output are these path coefficients? What are these dotted curved lines vs non-dotted curved lines? What the numbers next to the represent?