I have a cox model as follows, comparing survival of 5 subgroups (one is always a reference). Data is relatively large as n = 12 000; however, the sizes of the subgroups range from 60 to 9000 subjects.
My concern is that the PH assumption is violated because of multiple variables, including the one that I am interested in (group).
KM curves
cox1 = coxph(Surv(time_12m, status_12m) ~ group + age + sex + comorbidity, data = data)
coxph(formula = Surv(time_12m, status_12m) ~ group + age + sex +
comorbidity, data = data)
coef exp(coef) se(coef) z p
groupB -0.104261 0.900990 0.186658 -0.559 0.57646
groupC 1.357121 3.884991 0.064441 21.060 < 0.0000000000000002
groupD 1.104889 3.018889 0.086156 12.824 < 0.0000000000000002
groupE 0.573238 1.774003 0.193463 2.963 0.00305
age 0.060826 1.062714 0.002122 28.667 < 0.0000000000000002
sexMale 0.447372 1.564196 0.040747 10.979 < 0.0000000000000002
comorbidity 0.128723 1.137375 0.009751 13.201 < 0.0000000000000002
Likelihood ratio test=1701 on 7 df, p=< 0.00000000000000022
n= 11200, number of events= 3346
PH assumption testing
test = cox.zph(cox1)
chisq df p
group 12.0935 4 0.017
age 16.6103 1 0.000046
sex 2.0608 1 0.151
comorbidity 0.0153 1 0.902
GLOBAL 34.6804 7 0.000013
a) I tried transforming the age variable, taking log() of it. No help. Transforming the "group" variable is not possible.
b) Stratifying by age leads to a small number of subjects in some subgroups and the "group" variable still caused PH violation.
c) Or should i use splitting the time scale in way that PH is met within each of the time epochs? E.g. 1-2 months, 2-4 months, 5-6 months etc? "Time" variable is manipulated in a way that each of the epochs starts form zero?
d) Can time*covariate interactions solve this problem? I have to use them for "group" and "age". Does it allow me to compare the adjusted survival between groups? Also, "age" is a subject's age at the diagnosis we investigate in the study. Can I then use it as a time-dependent variable?
Or is this a hopeless situation for Cox?