I am to estimate $\exp(-\lambda)\lambda^2/2$ from the distribution $Exp(\lambda) \sim \frac{e^{-\lambda}\lambda^x}{x!}$
I used the indicator function $W=\mathbb I_{2}(X_1)$ as an initial unbiased estimator and the sufficient statistic $T=\sum{X_i}$. Using the Rao-Blackwell Theorem, $\hat{W} = \mathbb E(W|T) = \frac{t(t-1)(n-1)^{t-2}}{2n^t}$ is the UMVUE.
However, when I check$$\mathbb E_\lambda(\hat{W}) = \sum_{t=0}^{n}\frac{t(t-1)(n-1)^{t-2}e^{-n\lambda}(n\lambda)^t}{2n^tt!}=\frac{1}{2}\exp(-n\lambda)\lambda^2$$where is the n coming from and how do i get rid of it? Did I make a mistake anywhere?