The "Mixed-Effects Models in S and S-PLUS" book by Pinheiro and Bates talks about non-linear mixed-effects models and gives a logistic model as an example to demonstrate the difference between linear and non-linear models.
$\>$$\>$$\>$ To illustrate these differences between linear and nonlinear models, let us consider a simple example in which the expected height $h_t$ of a tree at time $t$ follows a three-parameter logistic growth model. \begin{equation} h_t =\phi_1 / \{1 + \exp[- (t - \phi_2)/\phi_3 ]\}. \tag{6.1} \end{equation} As described in Appendix C.7, the parameters in (6.1) have a physical interpretation: $\phi_1$ is the asymptotic height; $\phi_2$ is the time at which the tree reaches half of its asymptotic height; and $\phi_3$ is the time elapsed between the tree reaching half and $1/(1 + e^{-1}) \simeq 3/4$ of its asymptotic height. The logistic model (6.1) is linear in one parameter, $\phi_1$, but nonlinear in $\phi_2$ and $\phi_3$.
$\>$$\>$$\>$ To make the example more concrete, suppose that $\phi_1 = 3$, $\phi_2 = 1$, and $\phi_3 = 1.2$ and that we initially want to model the tree growth for $0.4 \leq t \leq 1.6$. The logistic curve, shown as a solid line in Figure 6.1, is approximated very well in the interval $[0.4,1.6]$ by the fifth-degree polynomial \begin{equation} h_t \simeq -2.2911 + 16.591t - 44.411t^2 + 56.822t^3 - 31.514t^4 + 6.3028t^5 \end{equation} obtained as a least-squares fit to equally spaced $t$ values in the interval $[0.4,1.6]$. The polynomial fit, shown as a dashed line in Figure 6.1, is virtually indistinguishable from the logistic curve within this interval.
$\>$$\>$$\>$ Unlike the coefficients in the logistic model, the coefficients in the polynomial approximation do not have any physical interpretation. Also, the linear polynomial model uses twice as many parameters as the logistic model to give comparable fitted values. Finally, the polynomial approximation is unreliable outside the interval $[0.4,1.6]$. Figure 6.2, displaying the two curves over the extended interval $[0,2]$, shows the dramatic differences between the curves outside the original range. We would expect growth curves to follow a pattern more like the logistic model than like the polynomial model. (p.274)
I see the point of their explanation; however, one can also write that as a mixed-effect generalised linear model as something like
$logit(\boldsymbol{Y}) = \beta \boldsymbol{X} + \boldsymbol{b} + \epsilon$
Which would technically be a linear model?
Is this just semantics, or is there something more I am missing?