To better understand the ARMA-GARCH model I am working on implementing it while avoiding as many packages as I can. For data I am working on returns and for simplicity I am starting with ARMA (1,1) and GARCH (1). I have tried doing some reading but most sites refer to packages rather than explaining the implementation or theory.
From what I understand one begins with MA, then AR, then GARCH. If this is correct, I had a few questions on these processes:
- For the moving average model, how do I go about parameter identification? Are the $\epsilon_i$ always taken to be from a normal distribution even if I want my innovations from ARMA-GARCH to not be Gaussian? Also, what is $\mu$ exactly? Some references claim it is the mean of the data, others say to take it as 0.
- Similarly for MA, I am unsure how to obtain the parameters $c$ and $\varphi_i$ Here I assume we let the random term, $\epsilon_i$, be from the distribution we would like?
- Once we have applied ARMA, are the innovations then fed into GARCH? My current understanding is the innovations from ARMA, $\epsilon_t$, are used in least squares to find the GARCH parameters.
- This is all repeated to optimize the distribution's parameters
- Once this is all done, how is this used to construct a prediction for tomorrow?
Is my understanding correct? Thanks!