I am not that good at probability theory.
My need: I need a simple example of a series of Bernoulli trials with the same probability of success in each trial, but where the Bernoulli trials are dependent.
Thanks for considering my request :).
I am not that good at probability theory.
My need: I need a simple example of a series of Bernoulli trials with the same probability of success in each trial, but where the Bernoulli trials are dependent.
Thanks for considering my request :).
Consider $X \sim Ber(p)$ for $p \in [0,1]$. Define a sequence of random variables $Y_{i}, i = 1, \ldots, n$ by $Y_{1} = Y_{2} = \ldots = Y_{n} = X$
Then each $Y_{i}$ is Bernoulli with probability of success $p$, but they are all equal to each other and thus dependent.