
I am running a glmer model

    glmer(RT ~ Prob * Bl * Session * Gr + (1  | Participant), 
          data= Data.trimmed, family = Gamma(link = "log"), 
            optCtrl=list(maxfun=1000000)), nAGQ = 0)

with gamma family and I am trying to determine whether this model shows a good fit. It doesn't seem like it does, but I would like to get someone else's opinion since these models are a lot more complicated to deal with. If you think this is poorly fit, do you have any suggestion for how to improve the model?
I have 209062 rows of data and this is response time data. I want to determine whether there differences between groups (Gr - 2 levels) on the learning of a task (Pr - 2 levels) across time (within sessions - Bl - 4 levels / across sessions - Session - 2 levels). It doesn't have zero response times, but some close to zero. I have also added the lmer model at the end.

Glmer Model summary:

Generalized linear mixed model fit by maximum likelihood (Adaptive Gauss-Hermite Quadrature, nAGQ = 0) ['glmerMod']
 Family: Gamma  ( log )
Formula: RT ~ Probability * Block * Session * Group + (1 | Participant)
   Data: Data.trimmed
Control: glmerControl(optimizer = "bobyqa", optCtrl = list(maxfun = 1e+06))

     AIC      BIC   logLik deviance df.resid 
 2456107  2456538 -1228012  2456023   209020 

Scaled residuals: 
   Min     1Q Median     3Q    Max 
-4.297 -0.625 -0.158  0.440 35.691 

Random effects:
 Groups      Name        Variance Std.Dev.
 Participant (Intercept) 0.002203 0.04694 
 Residual                0.053481 0.23126 
Number of obs: 209062, groups:  Participant, 130

Fixed effects:
                                        Estimate Std. Error  t value Pr(>|z|)    
(Intercept)                            6.024e+00  4.182e-03 1440.439  < 2e-16 ***
Probability1                          -2.835e-02  7.041e-04  -40.265  < 2e-16 ***
Block2-1                              -2.925e-02  2.077e-03  -14.084  < 2e-16 ***
Block3-2                              -3.676e-03  2.131e-03   -1.725 0.084500 .  
Block4-3                               4.085e-03  2.307e-03    1.771 0.076577 .  
Block5-4                              -1.220e-02  2.380e-03   -5.125 2.98e-07 ***
Session1                               4.795e-02  7.323e-04   65.478  < 2e-16 ***
Group1                                -4.616e-02  4.182e-03  -11.037  < 2e-16 ***
Probability1:Block2-1                 -7.228e-03  2.077e-03   -3.480 0.000501 ***
Probability1:Block3-2                 -5.332e-03  2.131e-03   -2.503 0.012331 *  
Probability1:Block4-3                 -2.076e-02  2.307e-03   -8.999  < 2e-16 ***
Probability1:Block5-4                  6.044e-03  2.380e-03    2.539 0.011104 *  
Probability1:Session1                  1.656e-03  7.046e-04    2.351 0.018743 *  
Block2-1:Session1                     -1.972e-02  2.077e-03   -9.494  < 2e-16 ***
Block3-2:Session1                     -8.521e-03  2.131e-03   -3.999 6.35e-05 ***
Block4-3:Session1                      4.380e-05  2.308e-03    0.019 0.984856    
Block5-4:Session1                     -3.768e-03  2.380e-03   -1.583 0.113389    
Probability1:Group1                    1.515e-03  7.041e-04    2.151 0.031478 *  
Block2-1:Group1                       -6.161e-03  2.077e-03   -2.966 0.003015 ** 
Block3-2:Group1                       -1.129e-02  2.131e-03   -5.301 1.15e-07 ***
Block4-3:Group1                        7.095e-03  2.307e-03    3.076 0.002101 ** 
Block5-4:Group1                       -4.055e-03  2.380e-03   -1.704 0.088414 .  
Session1:Group1                        3.782e-03  7.323e-04    5.164 2.41e-07 ***
Probability1:Block2-1:Session1         5.729e-05  2.077e-03    0.028 0.977997    
Probability1:Block3-2:Session1         3.543e-03  2.131e-03    1.663 0.096363 .  
Probability1:Block4-3:Session1        -6.877e-03  2.308e-03   -2.980 0.002886 ** 
Probability1:Block5-4:Session1         4.329e-03  2.380e-03    1.819 0.068952 .  
Probability1:Block2-1:Group1          -1.238e-03  2.077e-03   -0.596 0.550980    
Probability1:Block3-2:Group1           1.022e-02  2.131e-03    4.795 1.63e-06 ***
Probability1:Block4-3:Group1          -6.532e-03  2.307e-03   -2.831 0.004634 ** 
Probability1:Block5-4:Group1           2.351e-03  2.380e-03    0.988 0.323373    
Probability1:Session1:Group1          -1.805e-03  7.046e-04   -2.562 0.010412 *  
Block2-1:Session1:Group1              -2.060e-04  2.077e-03   -0.099 0.920984    
Block3-2:Session1:Group1              -4.211e-03  2.131e-03   -1.977 0.048094 *  
Block4-3:Session1:Group1               3.339e-03  2.308e-03    1.447 0.147888    
Block5-4:Session1:Group1              -3.956e-03  2.380e-03   -1.662 0.096539 .  
Probability1:Block2-1:Session1:Group1 -1.270e-03  2.077e-03   -0.611 0.540933    
Probability1:Block3-2:Session1:Group1  1.678e-03  2.131e-03    0.788 0.430929    
Probability1:Block4-3:Session1:Group1 -4.640e-03  2.308e-03   -2.010 0.044392 *  
Probability1:Block5-4:Session1:Group1  4.714e-03  2.380e-03    1.980 0.047649 *  
Signif. codes:  0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1

Correlation matrix not shown by default, as p = 40 > 12.
Use print(x, correlation=TRUE)  or
    vcov(x)        if you need it

plotting residuals:

enter image description here enter image description here qqplot

enter image description here

plot(fitted(RT.model), residuals(RT.model))  

enter image description here

Dharma plot:

enter image description here

plot(RT.model,sqrt(abs(residuals(.))) ~  fitted(.), 

enter image description here

For the lmer model:

RT.model <- lmer(logRT ~ Probability * Block * Session * Group + (1  | Participant), data= Data.trimmed)

Linear mixed model fit by REML. t-tests use Satterthwaite's method ['lmerModLmerTest']
Formula: logRT ~ Probability * Block * Session * Group + (1 | Participant)
   Data: Data.trimmed

REML criterion at convergence: -51844.2

Scaled residuals: 
     Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max 
-23.0325  -0.6283  -0.0801   0.5553  11.0990 

Random effects:
 Groups      Name        Variance Std.Dev.
 Participant (Intercept) 0.02413  0.1553  
 Residual                0.04541  0.2131  
Number of obs: 209062, groups:  Participant, 130

Fixed effects:
                                        Estimate Std. Error         df t value Pr(>|t|)    
(Intercept)                            5.999e+00  1.364e-02  1.283e+02 439.726  < 2e-16 ***
Probability1                          -2.731e-02  6.488e-04  2.089e+05 -42.087  < 2e-16 ***
Block2-1                              -2.597e-02  1.914e-03  2.089e+05 -13.569  < 2e-16 ***
Block3-2                              -6.639e-03  1.963e-03  2.089e+05  -3.381 0.000721 ***
Block4-3                               3.532e-03  2.126e-03  2.089e+05   1.662 0.096610 .  
Block5-4                              -1.598e-02  2.193e-03  2.089e+05  -7.287 3.18e-13 ***
Session1                               4.636e-02  6.754e-04  2.090e+05  68.638  < 2e-16 ***
Group1                                -4.793e-02  1.364e-02  1.283e+02  -3.513 0.000613 ***
Probability1:Block2-1                 -7.919e-03  1.914e-03  2.089e+05  -4.138 3.51e-05 ***
Probability1:Block3-2                 -3.684e-03  1.963e-03  2.089e+05  -1.877 0.060567 .  
Probability1:Block4-3                 -2.211e-02  2.126e-03  2.089e+05 -10.399  < 2e-16 ***
Probability1:Block5-4                  6.860e-03  2.193e-03  2.089e+05   3.128 0.001763 ** 
Probability1:Session1                  2.198e-03  6.493e-04  2.089e+05   3.385 0.000711 ***
Block2-1:Session1                     -1.879e-02  1.914e-03  2.089e+05  -9.817  < 2e-16 ***
Block3-2:Session1                     -7.896e-03  1.963e-03  2.089e+05  -4.022 5.78e-05 ***
Block4-3:Session1                     -1.407e-03  2.126e-03  2.089e+05  -0.661 0.508296    
Block5-4:Session1                     -5.281e-03  2.193e-03  2.089e+05  -2.408 0.016046 *  
Probability1:Group1                    1.695e-03  6.488e-04  2.089e+05   2.612 0.009010 ** 
Block2-1:Group1                       -7.155e-03  1.914e-03  2.089e+05  -3.739 0.000185 ***
Block3-2:Group1                       -1.071e-02  1.963e-03  2.089e+05  -5.453 4.96e-08 ***
Block4-3:Group1                        6.027e-03  2.126e-03  2.089e+05   2.835 0.004578 ** 
Block5-4:Group1                       -1.975e-03  2.193e-03  2.089e+05  -0.900 0.367938    
Session1:Group1                        3.271e-03  6.754e-04  2.090e+05   4.843 1.28e-06 ***
Probability1:Block2-1:Session1         3.932e-05  1.914e-03  2.089e+05   0.021 0.983609    
Probability1:Block3-2:Session1         2.946e-03  1.963e-03  2.089e+05   1.500 0.133491    
Probability1:Block4-3:Session1        -5.279e-03  2.127e-03  2.089e+05  -2.482 0.013068 *  
Probability1:Block5-4:Session1         4.600e-03  2.193e-03  2.089e+05   2.098 0.035950 *  
Probability1:Block2-1:Group1          -1.013e-03  1.914e-03  2.089e+05  -0.529 0.596705    
Probability1:Block3-2:Group1           1.014e-02  1.963e-03  2.089e+05   5.165 2.41e-07 ***
Probability1:Block4-3:Group1          -6.676e-03  2.126e-03  2.089e+05  -3.140 0.001687 ** 
Probability1:Block5-4:Group1           2.475e-03  2.193e-03  2.089e+05   1.129 0.259079    
Probability1:Session1:Group1          -1.077e-03  6.493e-04  2.089e+05  -1.658 0.097259 .  
Block2-1:Session1:Group1               2.446e-03  1.914e-03  2.089e+05   1.278 0.201365    
Block3-2:Session1:Group1              -3.793e-03  1.963e-03  2.089e+05  -1.932 0.053342 .  
Block4-3:Session1:Group1               1.633e-03  2.126e-03  2.089e+05   0.768 0.442515    
Block5-4:Session1:Group1              -2.495e-03  2.193e-03  2.089e+05  -1.137 0.255393    
Probability1:Block2-1:Session1:Group1 -2.243e-03  1.914e-03  2.089e+05  -1.172 0.241206    
Probability1:Block3-2:Session1:Group1  1.190e-03  1.963e-03  2.089e+05   0.606 0.544432    
Probability1:Block4-3:Session1:Group1 -3.378e-03  2.127e-03  2.089e+05  -1.588 0.112179    
Probability1:Block5-4:Session1:Group1  5.139e-03  2.193e-03  2.089e+05   2.343 0.019126 *  
Signif. codes:  0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1

Correlation matrix not shown by default, as p = 40 > 12.
Use print(x, correlation=TRUE)  or
    vcov(x)        if you need it

plotting residuals

enter image description here


enter image description here


enter image description here

DHARMa plot

enter image description here

  • $\begingroup$ There are many similar posts, like stats.stackexchange.com/questions/390063/… some comments: 1) The histogram has way to few points to be useful! 2) There are no normal assumption in a gamma glm, so why a normal qqplot? Try simulated residuals, see example at stats.stackexchange.com/questions/295340/… 3) In the other plots, there is way to much overplotting. Use smaller symbols and transparency $\endgroup$ Commented Jul 12, 2021 at 22:07
  • $\begingroup$ I used the DHARMa plots as you can see and they look disappointing. I did fit a nlme model as well which gave the exact same results but this model's fit seems very poor. $\endgroup$
    – CatM
    Commented Jul 12, 2021 at 23:02
  • $\begingroup$ I agree, but without more onformation on data and model, variables used we can say no more! $\endgroup$ Commented Jul 12, 2021 at 23:08
  • $\begingroup$ all variables are categorical and dependent variable is response times, I'm going to add this to the post $\endgroup$
    – CatM
    Commented Jul 12, 2021 at 23:09
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ Throwing in a quick two cents after reading through this, have you tried an ex-gaussian regression? I don't have much personal experience with modeling reaction time data, but I see these models commonly run where the assumption is an ex-gaussian distribution. Also possible that you need to run a distributional model where there are other variables predicting the gamma's shape value. Gamma assumes variance increases with the mean, but running a distributional model lets you also add other predictors of that shape distribution parameter $\endgroup$
    – Billy
    Commented Jul 13, 2021 at 18:55


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