I am given the following CDF and I want to calculate its expected value:
$F(Y \leq y) =1-( 0.28e^{-0.5y} + 0.71e^{-0.25y})$
Creating the PDF:
$f(Y \leq y) = \frac{71\mathrm{e}^{-\frac{x}{4}}+56\mathrm{e}^{-\frac{x}{2}}}{400}$
Now I have of course read that $E(y) = 1/\lambda$ - But I don't see a clear $\lambda$ here.
Using $\int_0^\infty f(Y \leq y)y~dy$ (following this video) returns $3.4$, if I did it correctly. Is this calculation applicable here and did I do it correctly?
Because, following the wikipedia article and its visualisations, I can see that $P(x = E(x)) = 0.5P(x = 0)$ for all $\lambda$ shown as an example. This is not the case for my result of 3.4.
Thank you already!