I am testing the effect of priority (which is a continuous within subjects factor) and viewing condition (which is a factor and a between subjects factor with 2 levels) on error. So the condition factor was coded with 0 being the free viewing condition and 1 being the fixed viewing condition. I am also investigating the interaction between priority and viewing condition. I used the following code:
Mag2 = lmer(Error ~ Priority*Condition + (1|Subject), data = Magnitude, REML = FALSE)
And I get the following output about fixed effects:
Fixed Effects:
(Intercept) Priority Conditionfixed
75.9227 -0.4155 -9.4225
Priority:Conditionfixed 0.2342
I know that since condition is a factor with two levels and I coded it in the above way, the (Intercept) refers to free condition while Conditionfixed refers to fixed condition. So I know by looking at the averages that I have more error in the fixed condition than in the free so i would expect the Conditionfixed value to be positive. But here is negative? Why is that? Am I interpreting it in a wrong way?
Thank you