This question has an UPDATE.
There is a nice answer HERE regarding how to interpret regression coefficients when predictors each consist of two categories in R
. But imagine we have students' sex (boys
, girls
) and the school-gender system (boy-only
, girl-only
, mixed
) in a model like: y ~ sex + schoolgend
Here, we expect 4 coefficients. I wonder how to interpret the third coefficient (+.175 see below)?
Say, the (Intercept)
represents the boys
mean in mixed
(Intercept) -0.189
schgendboy-only 0.180
schgendgirl-only 0.175 <-- This one!
sexgirls 0.168
My interpretations of the coefficients are as follows:
(intercept): mean of y for boys in mixed schools = -.189
schgendboy-only: diff. bet. boys in boy-only vs. mixed schools = +.180
schgendgirl-only: diff. bet. ?????????????????????????????????? = +.175
sexgirls: diff. bet. girls vs. boys in mixed schools = +.168
If my interpretation logic for all other coefs is correct, then, this third coef. (schgendgirl-only
) must mean:
diff. bet. boys in girl-only vs. mixed schools = +.175! (which makes no sense!)
ps. I know I will end-up interpreting +1.75 as: diff. bet. girls in girl-only vs. mixed schools BUT this doesn't follow the interpretation logic for other coefs PLUS there are no labels in the output to show what's what!
It seems that schgendgirl-only
can meaninglessly represent: diff. bet. boys in girl-only vs. mixed schools just like it can meaningfully represent: diff. bet. girls in girl-only vs. mixed schools
The reason is that the two coefficients are exactly equal. Here is a reproducible R
demonstration (results are shown to 4 decimal places):
library(R2MLwiN) # For the dataset
library(lme4) # For Model fitting
library(emmeans) # For pairwise contrasts
Form <- normexam ~ 1 + standlrt + schgend + sex + (standlrt | school)
model <- lmer(Form, data = tutorial, REML = FALSE)
emmeans(model, pairwise~schgend+sex)$contrast
#contrast estimate SE df z.ratio p.value
#mixedsch boy - boysch boy -0.17986 0.0991 Inf -1.814 0.4565
#mixedsch boy - girlsch boy -0.17482 0.0788 Inf -2.219 0.2287<--This coef. equals
#mixedsch boy - mixedsch girl -0.16826 0.0338 Inf -4.975 <.0001
#mixedsch boy - boysch girl -0.34813 0.1096 Inf -3.178 0.0186
#mixedsch boy - girlsch girl -0.34308 0.0780 Inf -4.396 0.0002
#boysch boy - girlsch boy 0.00505 0.1110 Inf 0.045 1.0000
#boysch boy - mixedsch girl 0.01160 0.0997 Inf 0.116 1.0000
#boysch boy - boysch girl -0.16826 0.0338 Inf -4.975 <.0001
#boysch boy - girlsch girl -0.16322 0.1058 Inf -1.543 0.6361
#girlsch boy - mixedsch girl 0.00656 0.0928 Inf 0.071 1.0000
#girlsch boy - boysch girl -0.17331 0.1255 Inf -1.381 0.7388
#girlsch boy - girlsch girl -0.16826 0.0338 Inf -4.975 <.0001
#mixedsch girl - boysch girl -0.17986 0.0991 Inf -1.814 0.4565
#mixedsch girl - girlsch girl -0.17482 0.0788 Inf -2.219 0.2287<--This coef.
#boysch girl - girlsch girl 0.00505 0.1110 Inf 0.045 1.0000