I am teaching myself DLM's using R's dlm
package and have two strange results. I am modeling a time series using three combined elements: a trend (dlmModPoly
), seasonality (dlmModTrig
), and moving seasonality (dlmModReg
The first strange result is with the $f
(one-step-ahead foreacast) result. Most of this forecast appears to be one month behind the actual data, which I believe I've seen in many examples of one-step-ahead forecasting online and in books. The strange thing is that the moving seasonality is NOT similarly lagged, but hits exactly where it should. Is this normal?
If I use the result's $m
to manually assemble the componenet, everything lines up perfectly, so it's weird, though it makes sense in a way: the moving seasonality has exogenous data to help it while the rest of the forecast does not. (Still, it'd be nice to simply lag
the resulting $f
and see a nice match.)
More troubling is the difference I see if I change the degree of dlmModPoly
's polynomial (from 1 to 2) in an attempt to get a smoother level. This introduces a huge spike in all three components at month 9. The spikes all basically cancel out in the composite, but obviously make each piece, say the level or the seasonality, look rather ridiculous there.
Is this just one of those things that happens and I should be prepared to throw away the result's first year of data as "break-in"? Or is it an indication that something is wrong? (Even in the degree 1 polynomial case, the first year's moving seasonality's level is a bit unsettled, but no huge spike as when I use a degree 2 polynomial.)
Here is my R code:
lvl0 <- log (my.data[1])
slp0 <- mean (diff (log (my.data)))
buildPTR2 <- function (x)
pm <- dlmModPoly (order=1, dV=exp (x[1]), dW=exp (x[2]), m0=lvl0)
tm <- dlmModTrig (s=12, dV=exp (x[1]), q=2, dW=exp (x[3:4]))
rm <- dlmModReg (moving.season, dV=exp (x[1]))
ptrm <- pm + tm + rm
return (ptrm)
mlptr2 <- dlmMLE (log (my.data), rep (1, 6), buildPTR2)
dptr2 <- buildPTR2 (mlptr2$par)
dptrf2 <- dlmFilter (log (my.data), dptr2)
tsdiag (dptrf2)
buildPTR3 <- function (x)
pm <- dlmModPoly (order=2, dV=exp (x[1]), dW=c(0, exp (x[2])), m0=c(lvl0, slp0))
tm <- dlmModTrig (s=12, dV=exp (x[1]), q=2, dW=exp (x[3:4]))
rm <- dlmModReg (moving.season, dV=exp (x[1]))
ptrm <- pm + tm + rm
return (ptrm)
mlptr3 <- dlmMLE (log (my.data), rep (1, 8), buildPTR3)
dptr3 <- buildPTR3 (mlptr3$par)
dptrf3 <- dlmFilter (log (my.data), dptr3)
Per the follow-on question: the data itself is monthly data for 10 years, with each month being the weekly average attendance at a theatrical production. The data definitely has seasonal and moving seasonal effects. I want to model the trend and the seasonal effects to give the management some insight, and to prepare for forecasting. (Which is not directly possible with dlm
when you include a dlmModReg
component, though that's the next step.)
(I am trying to use an order=2 polynomial component that I believe creates an IRW trend, which is supposed to be nicely smooth.)
If it matters, my moving seasonality is a yearly Big Bash Gala event that can fall in two different months, and I indicate it with 0 for most months and 1 for months in which the Big Bash falls.