
As you see, I have more than 500 groups of data. how can I get the std.coef in mult-linear regression for each group? Until now, I only know how to get one group by using lm.beta. For example:

p <- read.csv('Data1.csv')
model1 <- lm(YCOORD110 ~ TEMMIN + TEMVAR)

For groups, several codes like by, apply can be used, but seem much more complicated beyond my control.

very appreciate for your answers!

enter image description here


2 Answers 2


Use a for loop:


group <- levels(Species)

out03 <- vector()
for (i in group){
   out00 <- subset(iris, Species==i)
   out01 <- lm(Petal.Width ~ Petal.Length + Sepal.Width, data=out00)
   out02 <- lm.beta(out01)
   out03 <- c(out03, out02)

finalTable <- cbind(group, data.frame(matrix(out03, ncol=2, byrow=T)))
colnames(finalTable) <- c("Species", "Petal.Length beta", "Sepal.Width beta")

Final tabulated output:

     Species Petal.Length beta Sepal.Width beta
1     setosa         0.2997348        0.1794891
2 versicolor         0.6043644        0.3252391
3  virginica         0.1268589        0.4868520

As far as I can understand the query is how to find group coefficients in a single regression model, where some independent variables may be dependent on group (M/F, let us say). In this case you need to create n dummy binary variables (for n groups) as separate independent variables. These variables will have the values 1 for all individual observations of their respective group, and 0 values for all other observations. Now these dummy variables will be multiplied with each independent variable and included in the linear regression model.

E.g. Lets say your model is: (Y = C + A.x1 + B.x2) and we have 2 groups.

We will create 2 dummy variable, z1 and z2. z1/z2 is a binary variable with value =1 for all observations in the respective group and rest values will be 0. Now input your linear regression model as: Y = C + A1.x1.z1 + A2.x1.z2 + B1.x2.z1+ B2.x2.z2

A1, A2 will respectively, the coefficients for groups 1 and 2


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