You have two questions so I'll answer them in turn
(1) Why are the maxima Gumbel distributed?
Essentially, this comes from the extremal types theorem which is a limiting distribution for block maxima. The most common limits distribution is the CLT which states
$$ \frac{\bar{X} - \mu}{\sigma} \to N(0,1) \text{ as } n \to \infty$$.
Now suppose we have data index by say time, and want to analyse the largest possible values the data could take. This could be amount of flooding, measured by volume of water spilling out of a river bank every day. In the $k$th year, having $N$ observations, we denote the block maxima as $M_k = \max \{y_1, y_2, \ldots, y_N \}$. You can think of these as e.g. annual maxima. Then the extremal types theorem says, for suitable sequences of constants, $a_k$, $b_k$ that
$$P\left(\frac{M_k - a_k}{b_k} \leq x\right) \to G(x)$$ where $G$ has one of three forms. The three forms are
Gumbel: $G(x) = \exp\{ -\exp(-x)\}$
Frechet: $G(x) = \exp(-x^{-\alpha}) \text{ with } (x, \alpha > 0)$
Weibull: $G(x) = \exp\{ - (-x)^{\alpha} \}\text{ with } (x<0, \alpha > 0)$
and for $x>0$ the Weibull form takes the value $1$.
Note that, like the CLT, this result hold regardless of the distribution of the $y$ values. Although, the particular form might depend on the $y$ values. For instance, if the data are positive (daily rainfall counts) the Frechet would be a sensible form, whereas the Weibull would not support this type of observation.
(2) Why are the number of floods modelled by a Beta distribution?
The article mentions that they are going to model this by modelling the probability of a flood. That is $P(\text{flood}) = \frac{\text{num. floods}}{\text{num. obs}} \in [0,1]$. The Beta distribution has support on $(0,1)$ which is well suited to probabilities as they lie in $[0,1]$. If we modelled the probability by a Normal distribution, we might end up making statement like $P(\text{flood}) = -0.3$ which is not a valid statement. The Beta distribution will always give a value in $(0,1)$ as the answer. Thus the statements are always, in some sense, valid.