I have the following model model
(R language). My goal model is Y~N*V
but since this also happens for Y~N+V
I thought I might change to the simpler model.
model <- lm(Y~N+V,data=data)
and running drop1(model,REML=FALSE)
I get the output:
Y ~ N + V
Df Sum of Sq RSS AIC
<none> 88592297 1027.7
N 5 30480453 119072749 1038.9
V 3 89885035 178477332 1072.1
The p-values are missing. I don't think it's that the model is oversaturated because the dataset has 72 observations and factor N
has 6 levels, and factor V
has 4 levels. So 1+4+6 < 72 observations in the dataset.
EDIT I manually selected the test to be used via drop1(model,test="F")
and now it gives the p-values. But is this the correct test?