I created a causal model in which $X$ causes $Y$ and $Z$, and $Y$ causes $Z$ in the following way:
N <- 10000
X <- purrr::rbernoulli(N)
Y <- X + purrr::rbernoulli(N)
Z <- 2*X + 3*Y + purrr::rbernoulli(N)
I created it this way so that the variables are discrete. That's it. The equivalent DAG would be the one below:
People working with causal inference are probably more used to unshielded triplets, in which case we would have no edge between $X$ and $Y$ and therefore a v-structure. In this hypothetical situation, $X$ and $Y$ are independent but become [spuriously] dependent when conditioning on $Z$, a collider.
However, going back to the diagram I showed, there is direct association between $X$ and $Y$ and if we adjust on $Z$, we open a blocked path, in the sense that we add some spurious dependence between $X$ and $Y$ through $Z$. What's driving me nuts is that the mutual information between $X$ and $Y$ not only is larger than $X$ and $Y$ conditioned by $Z$, but the latter is $0$! That is,
$I(X;Y) > I(X;Y|Z) = 0$. In R:
I tried changing the equations for $Y$ and $Z$ and yet, the zero is always there (almost always, check the end of the question) for $I(X;Y|Z)$, whenever it's a shielded triplet. Even if I do it with continuous variables and normal distributions for the noise, I still find the same thing.
N <- 10000
X <- rnorm(N, mean=10, sd=2)
Y <- X + rnorm(N, mean=10, sd=2)
Z <- X + Y + rnorm(N, mean=10, sd=2)
miic::discretizeMutual(X,Y, plot=FALSE)$info
miic::discretizeMutual(X,Y, matrix_u=matrix(Z), plot=FALSE)$info
But then, if I change a bit the structural equation for $Z$, I get something different from zero.
N <- 10000
X <- rnorm(N, mean=10, sd=2)
Y <- X + rnorm(N, mean=10, sd=2)
Z <- 2*X + 3*Y + rnorm(N, mean=10, sd=2)
miic::discretizeMutual(X,Y, plot=FALSE)$info
miic::discretizeMutual(X,Y, matrix_u=matrix(Z), plot=FALSE)$info
I also get a value different from zero if I make the distribution of the noise in $Z$ explicitly different from the noise in $X$ and $Y$.
N <- 10000
X <- rnorm(N, mean=10, sd=2)
Y <- X + rnorm(N, mean=10, sd=2)
Z <- X + Y + rnorm(N, mean=100, sd=10)
miic::discretizeMutual(X,Y, plot=FALSE)$info
miic::discretizeMutual(X,Y, matrix_u=matrix(Z), plot=FALSE)$info
I don't understand what's happening here. I tried to draw a few diagrams, see what paths would be blocked or opened, what would happen with correlation between the noises, but I can't think of a way that adjusting for the collider $Z$ would make $X$ and $Y$ independent. A hypothesis would be some sort of cancelling of effects between the two paths, but I changed the equations in ways that I didn't expect it to happen and still... The $0$ is there.
Could you please explain to me what's happening here? Both analytically, if possible, and intuitively. By intuitively, I'm referring to the intuitive explanations for the unshielded triplets. Adjusting for $B$ in $A \rightarrow B \leftarrow C$ makes A and C dependent. Adjusting for $B$ in $A \rightarrow B \rightarrow C$ or $A \leftarrow B \rightarrow C$ make $A$ and $B$ independent. Something along these lines :-)