I am doing statistical analysis of a natural experiment that consists of multiple years of measurements. I have two independent variables that are physically related to Y
- I am interested in whether there are differences between years that are not explained by the model.
- I want to test whether a third predictor can reduce the differences between years.
I added Year
as a categorial predictor in my linear regression (I am using natural cubic splines). My model looks like this:
Linear Regression Model
ols(formula = depend ~ rcs(X1, 3) + rcs(X2, 4) + Yearf, data = data,
x = T, y = T)
Model Likelihood Discrimination
Ratio Test Indexes
Obs 869 LR chi2 805.76 R2 0.604
sigma0.6327 d.f. 10 R2 adj 0.600
d.f. 858 Pr(> chi2) 0.0000 g 0.848
Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
-2.75550 -0.40733 0.01893 0.42597 1.70108
Coef S.E. t Pr(>|t|)
Intercept 1.5327 0.2067 7.41 <0.0001
X1 1.0437 0.0525 19.89 <0.0001
X1' -0.8147 0.0686 -11.88 <0.0001
X2 1.2507 0.1670 7.49 <0.0001
X2' -2.4775 0.6915 -3.58 0.0004
X2'' 3.2983 1.2123 2.72 0.0066
Yearf=2016 0.2475 0.0814 3.04 0.0024
Yearf=2017 0.1620 0.0802 2.02 0.0437
Yearf=2018 0.0440 0.0862 0.51 0.6096
Yearf=2019 -0.5260 0.0829 -6.34 <0.0001
Yearf=2020 0.1457 0.0813 1.79 0.0734
Effect plots for the predictors look like this:
After adding X3, the effect plot looks like this:
Regarding my questions formulated at the beginning of this post, I would interpret the results as follows, but I am not sure if the whole approach is valid:
in the second plot) are set to their average values, the mean response of Y for each year would be the value within the plot forYearf
.Visually it appears that the differences between the years reduces when
is added to the model while the standard error of the mean response increases. Is it valid to do this visually? As far as I know, ananova
only tells me if the difference between year x and my base year (here 2015) is significant, but I don’t want to compare it for a specific year. I want to get an idea of the whole picture. Does this make sense to you?