I'm new to PyMC and Bayesian stuff in general, so I started off with what I thought was a very simple toy problem. I generated some normally-distributed noise with a given mean and standard deviation, and then played with PyMC and looked at the posterior distribution of possible mu/sigma.
It's possible that I just don't understand what I'm looking at, but shouldn't the standard deviation of the trace for mu converge on the standard error of the mean? It's currently off my a factor of sqrt(2).
Simply: Parent normal distribution with parameters mu0, sigma0. Child population sampled from parent distribution, resulting in mu1, sigma1.
SE = sigma1/sqrt(N) SD = sigma0/sqrt(N)
Shouldn't SE~SD~mcmc.trace['mu'].std() for sufficiently large N and # of iterations? What I actually see is:
This is using PyMC 2.2 and here is the code:
%pylab inline
import pymc as mc
true_noise_mu = 50
true_noise_sigma = 5
true_noise_datapoints = 2000
noise_field = np.random.normal(true_noise_mu, true_noise_sigma, true_noise_datapoints)
data_mean = noise_field.mean()
data_std = noise_field.std()
mu = mc.Normal( 'mu', data_mean, 1/(data_std/sqrt(n_datapoints))**2)
# just guessed at tau here, but it shouldn't impact the result (nor does it), #only the time to converge, yes?
sigma = mc.Normal( 'sigma', 1/data_std**2, 0.01)
observation = mc.Normal( "obs", mu, sigma, value=noise_field, observed=True)
mcmc = mc.MCMC(model)
mcmc.sample( 400000, 20000, 1 )
mu_samples = mcmc.trace('mu')[:]
sigma_samples = mcmc.trace('sigma')[:]
print "SEM estimated from sample population: %.3f" % (noise_field.std()/sqrt(true_noise_datapoints))
print "SEM calculated from parent population: %.3f " % (true_noise_sigma / sqrt(true_noise_datapoints))
print "SEM calculated from posterior distribution: %.3f" % (mu_samples.std())
print "Ratio of posterior: sample estimate: %.3f" % ((mu_samples.std())/(noise_field.std()/sqrt(true_noise_datapoints)))
print "1/sqrt(2): %.3f" % (1/sqrt(2))
Last Print:
SEM estimated from sample population: 0.677
SEM calculated from parent population: 0.671
SEM calculated from posterior distribution: 0.478
Ratio of posterior: sample estimate: 0.707
1/sqrt(2): 0.707
I'm probably just an idiot, but I would love to understand what I'm missing. =)
to model the standard deviation. This us a poor choice as the Normal can return negative values (which a standard deviation forbids, and running your code throws aZeroProbability: Stochastic obs's value is outside its support
error.) A better choice is a Uniform, i.e.sigma = mc.Uniform("sigma", 0, 50)**(-2)
. $\endgroup$Uniform(..)
, so I would code it assigma= Uniform("sigma", 0, 50); precision = sigma**(-2)
and use precision in the observation variable. $\endgroup$