This can be confusing, so let's look at a picture for guidance.
The left panel graphs the standard Normal distribution function $\Phi.$ (Because all distribution functions give, by definition, probabilities, we don't have to label the vertical axis: we know it extends from $0$ to $1.$) The vertical red line indicates where some arbitrary argument $x$ is.
The right panel shows how to think of the function $x\to \Phi(x/K)$ where, in this example, $K$ is approximately $3.$ Dividing by $K$ shrinks all points on the horizontal axis by a factor of $K,$ thereby moving $x$ two-thirds of the way towards the origin, $0,$ as shown.
As always with a graph, find the value $\Phi(x/K)$ by looking up from the point $x/K$ to the graph itself. This is the height that the graph of $x \to \Phi(x/K)$ must have at the point $x.$ That is,
to graph $x\to \Phi(x/K),$ we must find the height $\Phi(x/K)$ and pull it back to $x$ as shown by the red arrow.
The resulting graph of $x\to\Phi(x/K)$ is shown in black on the right hand panel.
I hope this makes it apparent that the effect is to expand the graph of $\Phi$ horizontally by a factor $K$ (relative to the origin, $0,$ of the horizontal axis). (When $K$ is negative, the effect is an expansion by a factor of $|K|$ followed by a flip around $0.$)
Of course, such an expansion multiplies the standard deviation by the same amount $|K|.$
Finally, shows that the variance of the mixture is the weighted mean of the two variances because the mixture components all have the same means (namely, $0$). Thus, the variance of a mixture of two equal-mean distributions $F$ and $G$ with weights $\epsilon$ and $1-\epsilon$ will be $\epsilon$ times the variance of $F$ plus $1-\epsilon$ times the variance of $G.$
In this application, $G=\Phi$ has unit variance and--as we have just seen--$F = x\to\Phi(x/K)$ has standard deviation $K,$ whence its variance is $K^2.$ Accordingly, the variance of the mixture is $\epsilon(K^2) + (1-\epsilon)(1^2),$ as claimed.