I am trying to get my head around this assertion by Liu, Y. et al (2011 pp. 7) about SMOTE oversampling technique that:
because SMOTE makes the assumption that the instance between a positive class instance and its nearest neigh- bors is also positive. However it may not always be true in practice. As a positive instance is very close to the boundary, its nearest neighbor is likely to be negative, and this possibility may increase as K and the imbalance ratio become larger.
Maybe I am wrong but what I understand is that SMOTE selects the K neighbours from the minority (positive) class only, and generates synthetic sample along the line joining the minority example and those K-samples of the same class.
By having these authors claim that it may not always be true, I am confused. Does that mean a majority (negative) example maybe selected among K samples? Can anyone digest to mean what this actually means? I cannot understand what exactly the authors mean by this paragraph concluding statement.
Liu, Y., Yu, X., Huang, J.X. and An, A., 2011. Combining integrated sampling with SVM ensembles for learning from imbalanced datasets. Information Processing & Management, 47(4), pp.617-631.