I'm trying to understand how the direct and indirect impact on a SEM using the plspm package. The structure path of the model is the following :
After estimating I get the following results :
relationships direct indirect total
IMAG -> SAT 0.3757397 0.000000 0.3757397
IMAG -> LOY 0.1228504 0.225799 0.3486493
SAT -> LOY 0.6009453 0.000000 0.6009453
My question comes when trying to decompose LOY how the effect of IMAG should be measured, by using direct and indirect or total?
For example the following are true:
LOY_fitted = Intercept + 0.6009453*SAT + 0.1228504*IMAG
SAT_fitted = Intercept + 0.3757397*IMAG
However when I try to include the indirect contribution of IMAG the result is different from the Fitted values
LOY_fitted ≠ Intercept + 0.6009453*SAT + 0.1228504*IMAG + 0.225799 *IMAG
which one would be the correct way to measure the impact of total impact of IMAG to LOY?
Code to reproduce :
IMAG = c(0,0,0)
SAT = c(1,0,0)
LOY = c(1,1,0)
sat_path = rbind(IMAG, SAT, LOY)
sat_blocks = list(1,20,24)
sat_mod = rep("A", 3)
satpls = plspm(Data = satisfaction, path_matrix = sat_path, blocks = sat_blocks,
modes = sat_mod,scaled = FALSE)