I'm currenly trying to do a multivariate analysis to forecast yearly energy consumption for a given building (unit GJ).
A lot of my sample data shows vertical columns when creating a scatter plot. As my data is not ideally spacially distributed, I suspect the source of these to be that the larger part of my data comes from streets where all buildings have the same specs.
The example below show a correlation analysis for the surface (Oppervlakte in Dutch) of a building (variable originating from the land registry, unit m2).
I suspected that the correlation coefficient wouldn't be very high as a lot of factors determine energy consumption, but I expected at least a usable forecast variable from this one.
The bad distribution of the samples is reflected in de density plots in both histogram and the scatter density.
Suspecting to much of the same type of buildings to be an issue I tried to plot again but only using unique numeric values for surface.
This results in a much higher correlation coefficient and more evenly distributed data, this is the kind of result I would expect:
My questions are the following:
Is the "density blob" / "histogram spike" an indication of bad sampling?
Is my way of filtering the data a responsible way or is it better to use all the data (if this is even possible with such a low correlation)
Thanks in advance, Michaël
(Are plots are using Seaborn in Python)
Thanks for the answers so far! :)
The consumption samples are an export from the database of a company that does provide a billing platform for energy suppliers. The data is bound to their customers and the bulk of the data is from their few biggest customers. As each customer usually operates within a single city, the data could be way better distributed spatially. The predictive variables are rather scarce as I depend on public datasets to build a model. Volume would indeed be a way better predictor than surface alone, but the registry doesn't provide it. Surface is the living space, so only the floor surfaces of a building.
Thanks for the log-log regression tip, will have a look at that!
It was my understanding that a predictive variable has to be quasi normally distributed to be usable for a regression model. Ben's suggestion to also try log scales looks interesting.
Creating synthetic results was indeed my fear in this and this was the primary reason to ask my questions here.
There doesn't seem to be a rule as to usable correlation coeffients lower bounds. Only the general rule of > 0.5 being significant. What is your experience in this? Anything >0.25?