Consider a time series dataset, such as the daily average temperature of Ohio city. Typically, we can employ the ARIMA or SARIMA modelling approach to analyse the data. May I ask is it possible for us not to use the ARIMA or SARIMA models; instead, we use a regression approach to analyse the dataset. To be precise,
- The outcome variable, Y: today's (T)'s temperature
- Predictor 1, X1: yesterday's (T-1)'s temperature
- Predictor 2, X2: ereyesterday's (T-2)'s temperature
- Predictor 3, X3: (T-3)'s temperature
So, we run an OLS regression to obtain the relationship for Y=f(X1, X2, X3), such that the estimated coefficients beta0, beta1, beta2, and bets3 are obtained.
Is this something correct? And may I get any previous study that focused on this kind of statistical modelling approach?