I am trying to see how IV performs with Monte Carlo Simulations. My model is: $y = X \beta + p \alpha + \xi + \epsilon $. In this model $ \xi $ is not observed and $p$ is correlated with $\xi$. So I use an instrumental variable $z$ which is correlated with $p$ but is not correlated with $\xi + \epsilon$. However, for $\alpha$, I get erratic results. For example, I set $\alpha = -5$, however, I get values as high as $\pm 400$ for $\alpha$ in some of the simulations. This occurs when I use around 100 observations which to me is surprising. I couldn't figure out what I am missing. Any help will be appreciated.
If you also have a reach a well-performing IV Monte Carlo Simulation, it will help me to spot my problem. My Code is:
rm(list = ls())
#Number of observations
obs <- 100
#Number of characteristics
k <- 4
#Assign the mean values of X
mu.x <- rep(0, k)
#Assign the variance covariance matrix of X
sigma.x <- matrix(diag(rep(2, k)), ncol = k)
#Sigma for correlated price and instrumental variable
sigma.ins <- matrix(c(1, 0.5, 0.5, 1), ncol = 2)
nsim = 500
#slope values for x characteristics
coeff.x <- as.vector(c(4, 4, 2, 2, rep(0, k-4)))
beta.p <- -5
#Assign names for the columns
xnam <- paste("X", 1:k, sep = "")
#OLS regression formula
fm.olsreg = paste0("y ~ ",
paste(xnam, collapse = " + "), " + ",
paste("p", collapse = " + "))
#IV regression formula
fm.ivreg = paste0("y ~ ",
paste(xnam, collapse = " + "), " + ",
paste("p", collapse = " + "), " | ",
paste(xnam, collapse = " + "), " + ",
paste("z", collapse = " + "))
#Storing p coefficient for IV and OLS
p.values <- matrix(NaN, nrow = nsim, ncol = 2)
for (sim in 1:nsim) {
#Creating x characteristics for each of j products in t markets
X.jt <- mvrnorm(obs, mu = mu.x, Sigma = sigma.x)
#The base values for price and instrumental variable
p.raw.z <- mvrnorm(obs, mu = c(0,0), Sigma = sigma.ins)
#Creating the endogenous part
xi.jt <- as.matrix(rnorm(obs, 0, 3/2))
#real p data corrlated with xi
p.jt <- p.raw.z[,1] + xi.jt
#instrumental variable correlated with p
z.jt <- p.raw.z[,2] + rnorm(obs, 0, 0.3)
#creating errors
e.jt <- rnorm(obs, 0, 0.8)
#Producing y variables
y <- X.jt %*% coeff.x + p.jt*beta.p + xi.jt + e.jt
#putting everything together
data <- as.matrix(cbind(X.jt, p.jt, xi.jt, z.jt, y))
#Assigning names to related columns
colnames(data)[1:as.integer(k+4)] <- c(xnam, 'p', 'xi', 'z', 'y')
#OLS regression
ols = lm(data = as.data.frame(data),
formula = fm.olsreg)
#IV regression
mo.ivreg <- ivreg(data = as.data.frame(data),
formula = fm.ivreg)
#Store p values for both method
p.values[sim,1] <- mo.ivreg$coefficients['p']
p.values[sim, 2] <- ols$coefficients['p']
You may get for $\alpha$ something like
$$\begin{array}{c|c|c|} & \text{IV} & \text{OLS} \\ \hline \text{Min} & -15.843 & -4.530 \\ \hline \text{Mean} & -4.575 & -4.309 \\ \hline \text{Max} & 285.922 & -4.083 \\ \hline \end{array}$$
Thanks for any help.