I was conducted one-way ANOVA analysis to examone the level of knowledge shaorng among the employees based on there age differences. One-way ANOVA indicated that there were significant differences in the level on KS while Tukey post-hoc test revealed that there were no statistically significant differences on the level of knowledge sharing between the groups based on the respondent's age differences.
So, what is the conclusion of this result and why the result shows a different result? AND, how do i interpret this result? Table: Mean Scores on Level of Knowledge Sharing among Employees - Based on Age.
Age No. Mean SD
20-29 34 3.82 1.13
30-39 54 3.87 0.92
40-49 56 3.41 1.06
over 50 45 3.32 1.24
Total 189 3.59 1.10
Table: ANOVA
Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
Between Groups 11.029 3 3.676 3.120 .027
Within Groups 218.021 185 1.178
Total 229.050 188
Table: Multiple Comparisons
(I) Age (J) Age Mean Difference (I-J) Std. Error Sig. 95% CI Lower Bound Upper Bound
20-29 30-39 -.047- .238 .997 -.66- .57
40-49 .408 .236 .311 -.20- 1.02
over 50 .501 .247 .180 -.14- 1.14
30-39 20-29 .047 .238 .997 -.57- .66
40-49 .455 .207 .127 -.08- .99
over 50 .548 .219 .063 -.02- 1.12
40-49 20-29 -.408- .236 .311 -1.02- .20
30-39 -.455- .207 .127 -.99- .08
over 50 .093 .217 .974 -.47- .66
over 50 20-29 -.501- .247 .180 -1.14- .14
30-39 -.548- .219 .063 -1.12- .02
40-49 -.093- .217 .974 -.66- .47
Many thanks for helping me to find the answer of my question.