Basic generalized mixed effects
I am simulating data from a generalized mixed effects model
P(y_{it}=1\mid x_{it})=h(\delta_0+\alpha_i+\beta_t+\gamma x_{it})
where the dependent variable is binary, $y_{it}\in\{0,1\}$, and where the inverse link function is logistic, $h(z)=\frac{1}{1+e^{-z}}$. I set $\alpha_1=\beta_1=0$ for identifiability.
I then fit the same model on the simulated data. (Well, not exactly. I do not force $\hat\alpha_1=\hat\beta_1=0$. I think $\hat\beta_1=0$ is forced automatically, though. When R discovers that the model matrix suffers from multicollinearity, it kicks out some terms to get rid of it, and the term corresponding to $\beta_1$ is one of them.) For some configurations of parameters $\alpha$ and $\beta$, sample size (number of individuals) $n$ and the number of time intervals $q$, I tend to get decent estimation results. For others, I get convergence problems and/or poor estimates.
Question 1: What should I tweak in the simulation to avoid convergence problems and to obtain better estimation results?
Generalized mixed effects for modelling survival
I also try a variation of the same setup. After generating the data, I examine each individual $i=1,\dots,n$ separately. I discard all data points after the first $y_{it}=1$ is recorded. E.g. if $q=5$ and $y_{i,\cdot}=(0,0,1,0,1)$, I discard the last two points and only retain $\tilde y_{i,\cdot}=(0,0,1)$. The subject-matter interpretation is that I am generating survival data where $0$ denotes survival and $1$ denotes death in a given period. Thus the individual above survived the first two time periods and died in the third one. When I try estimating the model based on $\tilde y_{it}$, I always get either convergence problems or a perfect fit (or both). I have tried various parameter configurations, but I never got decent estimates.
Question 2: What should I tweak in the simulation to avoid convergence problems and to obtain better estimation results?
R code:
#============================== Simulation
# Set the number of individuals and the number of time periods
n=100; q=40
# Generate parameter values:
set.seed(1); alphas=runif(n=n ,min=-1,max=1) #-0.025*q
set.seed(2); betas =runif(n=q ,min=-1,max=1)
gamma =1
delta0=-0.1 # the intercept
# Generate covariate x
set.seed(3); x =runif(n=n*q,min=-1,max=1); X=matrix(x,nrow=n,byrow=TRUE)
# Specify the desired hazard rates
for(i in 1:n){
for(t in 1:q){
lambdas[i,t]=plogis(delta0+alphas[i]+betas[t]+gamma*X[i,t]) # plogis yields a logistic transformation
}; lambdas[,q+1]=1 # by definition
# Obtain the binary representation of survival
for(i in 1:n){
for(t in 1:q){
set.seed(n*i+1e6*t); Y[i,t]=rbinom(n=1,size=1,prob=lambdas[i,t])
#if(Y[i,t]==1) break; # !!! If this line is commented out, we get the basic GLM. Otherwise, we get the survival model !!!
# Create identifiers of individual (obj) and time (time)
obj=c(1,rep(0,q-1)); obj=rep(obj,n); obj=cumsum(obj)
time=c(1:q); time=rep(time,n)
# For each individual, delete observations after death
subset=which(!; y=y[subset]; x=x[subset]; obj=obj[subset]; time=time[subset]
# Print out some data
#data=cbind(obj,time,y,x,c(t(lambdas))); head(round(data,2),2*q+2)
#============================== Estimation
# We will use timeout to prevent the calculation from taking forever and R hanging up
# Estimate a random effects (RE) model using `mgcv` package
m1=R.utils::withTimeout( mgcv::gam(y~s(factor(obj),bs="re")+factor(time )+x, family="binomial"), timeout=tout )
# How to extact estimates of individual random effects from this model object?
# Extract estimates of time fixed effects
cor(betas[-1], betas_hat1 )^2
# Plot them against the true parameter values
plot(x=betas[-1],y=unlist(betas_hat1),xlab="true",ylab="fitted",main="Time fixed effects"); abline(a=0,b=1)
# Because of the multicollinearity induced by individual and time effects, the estimates may be biased by a constant.
# Estimate a random effects (RE) model using `lme4` package
m2=R.utils::withTimeout( lme4::glmer(y~(1|obj)+factor(time)+x, family="binomial"), timeout=tout )
# This does not converge for me if q=40 but does converge if q=20. You can set q at the top of this script.
# Extract estimates of individual random effects and time fixed effects
#delta0_hat2=as.numeric(coef(m2)$obj[1,-c( q+1)]) ???
betas_hat2 =as.numeric(coef(m2)$obj[1,-c(1,q+1)])
cor(alphas ,alphas_hat2)^2
cor(betas[-1],betas_hat2 )^2
# Plot them against the true parameter values; mar1=c(4,4,3,0.5); par(mfrow=c(2,1),mar=mar1)
plot(x=alphas ,y=alphas_hat2,xlab="true",ylab="fitted",main="Individual random effects"); abline(a=0,b=1)
plot(x=betas[-1] ,y=betas_hat2 ,xlab="true",ylab="fitted",main="Time fixed effects"); abline(a=0,b=1)
# Because of the multicollinearity induced by individual and time effects, the estimates may be biased by a constant.
# Estimate a fixed effects (FE) model
m3=R.utils::withTimeout( glm(y~factor(obj)+factor(time)+x, family="binomial"), timeout=tout )
# Extract estimates of individual fixed effects and time fixed effects
betas_hat3 =m3$coef[(n+1):(n+q-1)]
cor(betas[-1] ,betas_hat3 )^2
# Plot them against the true parameter values; mar1=c(4,4,3,0.5); par(mfrow=c(2,1),mar=mar1)
plot(x=alphas[-1],y=alphas_hat3,xlab="true",ylab="fitted",main="Individual fixed effects"); abline(a=0,b=1)
plot(x=betas[-1] ,y=betas_hat3 ,xlab="true",ylab="fitted",main="Time fixed effects"); abline(a=0,b=1)
# Because of the multicollinearity induced by individual and time effects, the estimates may be biased by a constant.
work OK butm2
fails. For some other combinations, modelsm1
also fail. And they all fail almost universally if I do survival rather than basic GLM. $\endgroup$method = "ML"
the objective functions ofm1
are identical, but different approximations are used to calculate the MLEs; (ii) In the GLMm3
we have the same issues regarding the model matrix and parameters as in the Q you linked to (but now $\alpha_1=0=\beta_1$). In the GLMMs only $\beta_1=0$ is forced; (iii) The way in which the $\alpha_i$ are penalized inmgcv::gam
is equivalent to assuming that the $\alpha_i$ are (iid) normally distributed with mean zero... $\endgroup$detectseparation
package. $\endgroup$