This $M_n$ represents a sequence of variables $M_1 = max(X_1)$, $M_2 = max(X_1,X_2)$, $M_3 = max(X_1,X_2,X_3)$, etcetera. And this sequence will have a different scale and location depending on $n$ which makes that it doesn't approach a fixed distribution.
The numbers $a_n$ and $b_n$ are necessary to make a sequence of variables $M_n$ approach a distribution that is fixed. The variable $M_n$ does not approach a fixed distribution. It is a scaled and shifted variable $\frac{M_n-a_n}{b_n}$ that approaches a distribution.
The fitting of variables $Y_i$ does not have this issue. You can see these $Y_i$ as multiple instances of different $M_n$ with $n$ fixed. There is only a single $n$ and a single distribution to be found/fitted.
For example $Y_i$ could be the year maximum of daily energy use. Then $n = 365$ the number of days per year, and $i$ refers to the particular year. The distribution of $Y_{2020}$, $Y_{2021}$, $Y_{2022}$ is assumed to be constant and does not scale with some parameters like $a_n$, $b_n$ ($n$ does not refer to the index of a variable, 2020, 2021, etc., but to the sample size that is used to compute the maximum).