Suppose my theory tells me that some outcome $y^{}_{it}$ for individual $i$ in time $t$ is generated by the following process:
\begin{align} y_{it} =& \ \alpha^{}_{i} + \beta^{}_{i}x^{}_{it}+\varepsilon^{}_{it} \\ \beta^{}_{i} =& \ \beta + \gamma^{}_{i} \end{align}
Here $\alpha^{}_{i}$ is an individual fixed effect, $x^{}_{it}$ is a time-varying observable, $\beta$ is the average impact of $x$ on $y$, and $\gamma^{}_{i}$ is an additional effect of $x$ on $y$ which varies by $i$.
As I understand it, I could model the uncertainty from $\gamma$ in one of two ways: (i) using a random effects model where $\gamma^{}_{i}$ is the random coefficient; or (ii) as a finite mixture model where the mixture is over the distribution of $\gamma$.
- What are the trade-offs with each approach and how do I choose between the two of them? I am interested in the values of $\gamma^{}_{i}$; in particular I am interested in the correlation between the two unobserved parameters $\gamma^{}_{i}$ and $\alpha^{}_{i}$. Is one approach better-suited for this?
- I understand that with the finite mixture model, $\gamma^{}_{i}$ can only take a finite number of values. This may be a con. Whereas with random effects, one usually has to make a parametric assumption about the distribution that $\gamma^{}_{i}$ is drawn from. This is a con for the RE model. Is this correct?
- It appears there is also a difference in interpretation. With the RE model, we can predict $\gamma^{}_{i}$ for each $i$. Whereas for the finite mixture model, we can only assign some probability $\pi^{}_{ik}$ that $\gamma^{}_{i}$ takes the $k^{th}$ type value for $i$. Is this correct?
- Lastly, if we specify a distribution (say gaussian) for $\gamma$ in the mixture model thereby allowing for infinite values of $\gamma^{}_{i}$, are we back to a random effects world? Is the difference between FMM and RE then that in FMM $\gamma$ is finite and we do not make distributional assumptions on $\gamma$?