Please help. I am writing up a research report on my findings and whilst I've performed the analysis with my supervisors' guidance, I have to write up the results over Christmas period with no help. I am a qualitative researcher usually so this is all new and my brain hurts.
I have 2 groups. Both have similar baseline characteristics and both complete the same measure two times (pre and post-intervention) online (using Likert scales). Only one group receives the intervention and I want to see if the intervention makes a difference to particular constructs.
Results show differences between groups are not significant but 3 of the 5 construct results are significantly different within the intervention group.
I wanted to look at whether the intervention improved the 5 constructs I am interested in. I am confused with how to write this as there is no significant difference between groups but using Mean scores, all constructs in the intervention group improved after intervention participation (suggesting the intervention worked, but only significantly so for 3 of the 5 constructs measured). Is that right?
The real problem for my poor brain comes from the control group - of the 3 significant differences observed within the intervention group, the control group also showed an improvement one of them, but this was not significant. There were other changes in the control group but none were significant and some were negative (worse/poorer/lower measures than at T1) where all constructs for the intervention group showed improvement.
I'm so confused about what this means. I know it's basic but I feel like I'm totally overthinking it. Any help is appreciated. Just a hint will do.