Let $Y$ be a random variable whose PDF is $p_Y(\cdot)$. Let's say that $Y$ is a function $g(\cdot)$ of another random variable $X$ whose PDF $p_X(\cdot)$ is given. Then, you do your calculation and you end up with the analytic expression of the PDF $p_Y(\cdot)$.
My general question is: how do verify that your result for $p_Y(\cdot)$ is correct?
I think that there are plenty of method that answers my question. First of all there are two necessary conditions to be verified:
- for all $y$ must be $p_Y\geq 0$;
- it must be $\int p_Y = 1$.
If these conditions are not verified then for sure there is an error in the derivation of $p_Y$. But what about sufficient conditions that allows you to be confident in your result
My approach
So far my favourite method consists in the Monte Carlo method: with my lovely PC I generate a big sample $\{x_i\}_{i=1}^N$ according to $p_X(\cdot)$ and then I make a plot where I overlap the histogram of $\{y_i=g(x_i)\}_{i=1}^N$ versus the curve of the PDF $p_Y(\cdot)$ obtained analitically. Then, if $\{y_i=g(x_i)\}_{i=1}^N$ "resembles" $p_Y(\cdot)$ I state that $p_Y(\cdot)$ is correct. In order to be even more confident, I use to repeat the procedure for increasing values of $N$, and if the histogram seems to converge towards $p_Y(\cdot)$ then I accept the result of $p_Y(\cdot)$.
But, despite it is very intuitive (and not 100% rigorous because it is not quantitative - everything is done by eye), there is a catch with this simple method: it works only if $Y\in\mathbb{R}^n$ with $n=1,2$. Unfortunately, now I have to study cases where $n=3$ and $n=6$. How do you deal with that?
At a first glance I was thinking to the trivial extension where I make a proper plot for each component of $Y$, i.e. I repeat the procedure on each scalar marginal PDF. The problem is that if there is agreement within the histograms and their relative PDFs then only a necessary condition is verified (because only the marginal PDFs are verified, and not the joint PDF).
As a second method, I was thinking about something more rigorous. In particular I was thinking about some goodness of fit method. Currently, I've studied only the Chi-squared and the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test in the simple scalar case (i.e. $n=1$). Hence, I was thinking to adapt such test to my cases.
Before falling down in the rabbit hole, I would like to have an opinion from someone that has already faced this type of problems, since I believe that are very common in the community of statisticians. In particular, I would like to have a precise study direction:
is there a dominant validation method? I mean, is there a method that is more suitable to solve my validation problem?