I am puzzled by something I found using Linear Discriminant Analysis. Here is the problem - I first ran the Discriminant analysis using 20 or so independent variables to predict 5 segments. Among the outputs, I asked for the Predicted Segments, which are the same as the original segments for around 80% of the cases. Then I ran again the Discriminant Analysis with the same independent variables, but now trying to predict the Predicted Segments. I was expecting I would get 100% of correct classification rate, but that did not happen and I am not sure why. It seems to me that if the Discriminant Analysis cannot predict with 100% accuracy it own predicted segments then somehow it is not a optimum procedure since a rule exist that will get 100% accuracy. I am missing something?
Note - This situation seems to be similar to that in Linear Regression Analysis. If you fit the model $y = a + bX + \text{error}$ and use the estimated equation with the same data you will get $\hat{y}$ [$= \hat{a} + \hat{b}X$]. Now if you estimate the model $\hat{y} = \hat{a} + \hat{b}X + \text{error}$, you will find the same $\hat{a}$ and $\hat{b}$ as before, no error, and R2 = 100% (perfect fit). I though this would also happen with Linear Discriminant Analysis, but it does not.
Note 2 - I run this test with Discriminant Analysis in SPSS.