I would like to make sure whether I’m interpreting the results of the lmer model I generated in the right way. The model is:
lmer(distress ~ cond*group + (1|subject), data = data)
Condition has two levels (S1 and S2, S1 is the reference), group has 2 levels (A and B, B is the reference)
Would the coefficient of the three way interaction condS2:groupA indicate that the difference of S2 vs S1 is larger in in group A vs group B?
Maybe this is a stupid question but, can this also not be tested with a simple regression with a predictor group and the difference scores (S2-S1) as the DV? Would it be inappropriate because of the disregard of the random effects?
If I want to test whether conditions differ, within group A and within group B, do I run two different lmers for two groups seperately?
Thanks in advance!