Let's say I have three distributions, P1, P2, and P3, which are probability distributions with domains defined between 0 and 1. Generically these are not Gaussian (more like Beta distributions). I can sample from these three distributions, generating samples p1, p2, and p3, such that I impose the constraint that p1+p2+p3<1, and I'm wondering what the most proper way of doing so is.
I've thought of two solutions:
- Sample independently from each many times, and then reject all correlated draws which don't obey the constraint
- Sample from P1, then crop and renormalize P2 such that the constraint is fulfilled (call the new distribution P2'), then sample from P2', then do the same for P3.
I think both methods have problems: the first introduces bias, and I'm not sure if the second does as well. Is there a more proper way to perform this type of correlated-sampling-with-constraints?