I have two models to estimate the effect of x1 on y (one is a two-way fixed effects model and the other one a first-difference model). Now I want to find out if the coefficient for x1 between the two models differs with statistical significance by computing the standard errors for beta1_fe - beta1_fd with a x2-level clustered bootstrap. Anyone knows how I could do this in R?
fe_model <- plm(y ~ x1 + as.factor(x2) + as.factor(x3),
data = dt)
fd_model <- plm(y ~ x1 + as.factor(x3),
model = "fd",
index = c("x2","x3"),
data = dt)
are in the model, the very meaning of the coefficient ofx1
changes. Is it possible you want to test whether the combination ofx3
is significant? $\endgroup$