Let's restate the originally intended problem: we have a uniform sample of D-1 sphere. How to convert this into uniform sampling of D-2 sphere? For instance, if we have a sample on a surface of a sphere, how to convert it to a uniform sample on a circle?
The idea is to define that given circle on a sphere with the axis that goes from the center of the sphere through a center of a circle. This axis would be z-axis of spherical coordinate system, and make the given circle one of latitudes:
Now, if you observe only the angle $\varphi$ (azimuth angle or longitude) of the uniformly random points on a sphere, this will give you a uniform sample of points on a circle, because a point on a circle can easily be located by that angle.
Now, for a general D-1 sphere, we have the same approach. We define a circle on the sphere by the z-axis. After that azimuth angle can be calculated easily by projecting the points on sphere to the hyperplane that is orthogonal to this z-axis. Then you calculate the cosine (azimuth angle) to any fixed vector on that hyperplane that gives through the center of the D-sphere.
A disk can be sampled from a ball in a similar way. The difference is that for a disk we need two spherical coordinates: an azimuth angle and the distance to the point from the center of a disk. We then re-scale the distance so that it corresponds to the distance on the given disk.
Examples for a circle
Here's an example. I sampled 100 points on a sphere, shown in blue, using Marsaglia's algorithm. Next, I converted the cartesian coordinates into spherical coordinates. Assuming that $x_1$ is my z-axis, I proceeded replacing $\varphi_1$ with a given angle $\pi/6$ that defines the circle. The resulting points are shown in black, and lie on a circle, as expected.
Here's an example in 4-dimensions. Since I can't plot 4 dimensional objects, only the projected points will be shown. So, I sampled from 3-sphere in 4 dimensions. Then proceeded applying the same algorithm to project the points onto a 2-sphere in 3 dimensions. The result is shown below. As you can see the sphere is, of course, smaller than the unit sphere, but the points are uniformly distributed on it.