I'm trying to calculate an odds ratio for a table with very few cases. I've tried epitools oddsratio which I see won't work as the uniroot function error occurs due to dividing by 0.
The table is as follows:
Program Yes No
X 6 0
Y 9994 10000
I've tried fishers test using epitools function, and epi2by2 also. I know it would seem to not be the right test but I need the odds ratio on this sample for comparison to later mining methods which return more higher positives, so results to show before and after mining methods applied.
Fishers test returns:
Fisher's Exact Test for Count Data
data: data
p-value = 0.03123
alternative hypothesis: true odds ratio is not equal to 1
95 percent confidence interval:
1.177777 Inf
sample estimates:
odds ratio
So this is uninterpretable and obviously the too few cases will give that un-iformative wide confidence interval.
Epi.2by2 Odds Ratio test returns:
Point estimates and 95% CIs:
Prevalence ratio NaN (NaN, NaN)
Odds ratio NaN (NaN, NaN)
Attrib prevalence in the exposed * 0.06 (0.01, 0.11)
Attrib fraction in the exposed (%) NaN (NaN, NaN)
Attrib prevalence in the population * 0.03 (0.01, 0.05)
Attrib fraction in the population (%) 100.00 (NaN, 100.00)
Yates corrected chi2 test that OR = 1: chi2(1) = 4.168 Pr>chi2 = 0.041
Fisher exact test that OR = 1: Pr>chi2 = 0.031
Wald confidence limits
CI: confidence interval
* Outcomes per 100 population units
I can draw no conclusions from this. HOWEVER, when I use MedCalc I get an Odds Ratio of 13, though of course a very very wide confidence interval. See below:
Odds ratio 13.0078
95 % CI: 0.7327 to 230.9443
z statistic 1.748
Significance level P = 0.0805
I just don't know how to interpret this over the three tests. Is the very high Odds Ratio undermined completely by significance level and wide conf interval. And why is this odds so high which fits the data but the rest seems inconclusive...How do I report these results?