Let $(X,Y)$ be bivariate normally distributed with $E[X] = E[Y] = \theta$, $Var[X] = Var[Y] = 1$ and $cov[X, Y] = \rho, |\rho| < 1$, where $\rho$ and $\theta$ are unknown. Find the minimum risk location equivariant estimator (the Pitman estimator) for $\theta$ with respect to squared error loss $L(\theta, d)=(d−\theta)^2$.
I am confused why the Pitman estimator is given by the sample mean of X and Y (i.e. $\hat{\theta}=\frac{1}{2}(X+Y)$). I compute that $$ R(\theta, \hat{\theta})=E[(\hat{\theta}-\theta)^2]=\frac{1}{2}(1+\rho) $$
So this is the risk of the estimator, which is minimized when ρ is minimized. Since |ρ| < 1, the minimum value of ρ is -1, so the minimum risk is 1/2(1 - 1) = 0.
But how to find that the sample mean is the MREE?