I'm trying to get an idea about reliability of online surveys: I found some indication that "internet-based surveys produce data that is at least as reliable, valid, and of equal quality as data obtained more than via paper-and- pencil survey method", but I was wondering how to assess a survey's reliability and which issue could online surveys have.
For example, I run into a survey (in Italian) about special classes (in which disabled students are separated from normal students), that the author used to conclude how many students, parents, teachers and other school's figures agree with those classes; but the sample was self-selected, so there was no control on who voted voted, if they really were involved in school, and if they voted where they should have (there was a question divided by role, so four identical questions "Reply only if you are a student/teacher/parent/other", with no control on who really voted).
Also, in the article there is no mention on how they addressed those issues, or if they even tried something in that regard, and they said they just did an automated tally.
I was thus wondering how reliable could such a survey be, and in general how reliable are surveys with self-selected samples and/or questions to be answered only by a part of the sample (but with no control on who actually answers), and if there is some indicator to be aware of that could indicate a bad designed or implemented online survey.